Ursula – Germany

Dear Andi,
In the past few years I have read a lot of books, watched many summits, and taken online courses. Many things fascinated me. My longing for an intact world and my hopes for personal change have grown. But I lacked the key / access to myself. Therefore, actual change and development could not take place in me. I was constantly thrown up and down between myself (my usual patterns of thinking and behavior) and my vision of a meaningful earthly life and the spiritual search.
Andi enables me to do exactly what I have been missing so far and it is a great relief and joy for me, liveliness and a happy spirit of optimism: change is also possible for me! It has a high urgency now in old age (if not now, then when …). The longing is huge and when the time comes, the change happens surprisingly easily and feels healing.

After the second appointment I had had confidence. Since then I have felt safe and know that nothing can happen to me, I can allow anything. Every thought, every fear is looked at very gently, may come, may show itself, everything may be. So much that is suppressed receives attention, is questioned, valued and liberated. This has never been possible before, it’s unbelievable! It becomes more and more clear to me that I am dragging my past around like lead.
I am always surprised when I get the suggestion from Andi to thank the thoughts and feelings that are felt as burdens and to appreciate them as a part of me that means well to me, that wants to protect me. That’s immensly relaxing and liberating.
Even the thought of the next session makes me happy and confident. My subconscious seems to be eager to put down a lot of backpacks, to open them and to free them from their burden in order to finally find myself. I feel that I heal very gently from the inside out and alone the thought of how it feels, vibrates inside of me.
The immersion in meditation and the course of the meditation is always surprising and very intense. This is certainly so because the guided meditation is 100% tailored to me. Andi guides me very calmly and gently through the meditation (… how long had I struggled with meditation in vain…). At the end of the “session” I am balanced and relieved and have actually put down some luggage again – that is so healing. It’s nice that every session ends with Andi’s question: How are you now – and my answer: Much easier, I feel very good. I like the summary that Andi makes at each end of the “session” very much, it is a nice conclusion.
Thank you, dear Andi, for your valuable work

Alan – Ireland

IFS with Andi was not like any of the other forms of therapy I have done. At times it was frustrating because it felt like I was leading the process and everything went through me.

In previous forms of therapy, I loved the explanation and understand i would receive as towhy I was feeling a particular way, based upon the story I had just told my therapist.

In IFS, we would approach it based upon how I was feeling in the moment. As someone who has been suppressing my emotions all my life, I did not know how to interact with them without being overwhelmed. With Andi’s guidance, I feel I now have the tools to acknowledge and deal with my emotions as they come up. To release those that were ready to be released and to acknowledge those emotions not quite ready to move on. We have explored the coping mechanisms I have used up till now, which initially were helping me, but now feel more like a hindrance.

Andi has been great. She is patient and has a good instinct for when to give more time and when to guide. She has a lovely way of safely winding down the session, without me feeling like I’ve been brought to the emotional edge and left there. She checks in at the end and reassures me I can reach out to her at any time to talk if anything arises. Thank you Andi.