
Who benefits the most from this kind of coaching?

My clients tend to be in their early 30s till mid 70s. I focus on functioning adults who want something more from their current experience of life. The basic requirement is an attitude of accepting that you are responsible for your response to life. From there, we can do wonders.

Who is not a good fit to work with me?

First, I am a coach, not a therapist, so I do not work as the main provider for those needing or receiving outpatient care for psychiatric problems.

Second, I support many clients that have experienced trauma in their lives, to understand their present life circumstances and release beliefs that are not helpful any more. But I am not trained to work with severe trauma and I am not a therapist. So I recommend if you are facing life threatening circumstances, to seek help from a therapist. If you are facing these issues and still want to work together, we can look into if it would benefit you to supplement your main treatment with sessions with me.

How do I know our sessions are working?

  • You’ll have more awareness what’s happening at any given moment.
  • Your relationship to yourself is changing. More internal compassion, less criticism.
  • You’ll recover faster from challenging situations und unbalances.
  • You’ll be able to notice and attend to your own needs more quickly.

As with any life transformation, the process is not linear, but this is a trustworthy way to track your growth.

Can you see people all over the world?

Yes. Because I’m a practitioner I can see anyone, anywhere in the world.

We will meet online over Zoom.

The most crucial factor is the timezone

What are your working hours?

I offer sessions on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays between 10am and 6pm Bangkok time.

Please check out my calendar to book a meeting.

If you really want to work with me and these times don’t work for you please contact me via email.

Also please contact me in case you want to set up a regular repeating meeting because on my calendar you can only book a session in the next 2 weeks.

What kind of financial and time investment?

Weekly or twice-weekly sessions provide the most benefit because they build a strong momentum for healing.

We invest ourselves psychologically in the areas where we commit energy and finances.

You choose how much you want and can invest into yourself and transfer your contribution to me via PayPal or Wise.

Why I choose to work this way, please read more here

Do you take insurance?

No. Only private payments.

My coaching offer is not covered by insurance and does not replace clinical diagnosis and treatment by a medical doctor, psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

Will sessions be recorded?

No. I’m not recording any sessions. Everything is confidential.

If it is okay for you I will take notes. After the session I can repeat my notes so you can make your own notes.

How do I map my parts?

We’ll meet a lot of parts of yours. And in the beginning it can be a little confusing and overwhelming. Please know we all have a lot of parts and to get some idea of who they are, we can map them. The thing is, there is not one mapping system that fits all and everyone is different. That’s why we will find your unique way to map your parts. That can be done with Mindmaps, lists, drawings, paintings, figures, objects… there’s no limitation.

Where to get information about IFS?

I collected some valuable resources and information about IFS here.

To find out more about IFS I recommend to look at the page of the IFS institute. Here’s the link to get to their page.