My core belief is: When people are met with unconditional understanding, free of judgement and an open invitation – everyone can dive deeper into their own internal world. I know I have the possibility to change – I have proven it to myself. To change my personality, my beliefs, my behaviour, my patterns. And all that will enable me to understand myself better… and that helps me to ask YOU the right questions to understand you better if you work with me.

You will find your own truths, insights and understandings of why you are who you are and who you want to be. Find out what is going on and with compassionate understanding comes the possibility to change. I believe that you are the one, who knows what’s right for you. I am not here to fix you, but I’ll be there with you, supporting you on your journey to discover yourself, help yourself und heal yourself. My role is to guide you to find that inner curiosity to discover what is really going on, bring more balance into your life so healing can be there.

Click here, send me a message and we meet for a free session

This is why I’m qualified to coach you…

I’ve always had this curious mind, that’s why I studied Industrial Engineering. To understand the processes, to see what’s behind all these things. To get an idea of all aspects involved in the topics. I worked as a Project Manager in the corporate world for several years and really got to understand the processes, to watch people and their behaviour. My position was always with people, mediating, between two opposing sides. Listening to people, understanding their wants, see what was actually needed for them to being able to do their job.


I saw, that working inside the company wasn’t for me… but that I’m really interested in the people around. Listening to their stories, understanding what’s behind these stories, how it comes that they behave a certain way. Asking for their intention. There were always more questions. So eventually I decided to follow that call. To understand people better instead of just doing a job. That transition took a while… I got close to a burnout, had to change projects, went travelling,…

New perception…

My world really changed when I left the corporate world for good, learned about mindfulness, being present and “energies” in my 5 months I spent in an ashram in Nicaragua and doing a Yoga Teacher Training. After that my world never got quite back to what I perceived as normal a few months back: Before that having a job, paying into the pension fund, having all the insurances was something really essential in my life. It was important for me, that people see me a certain way, making a good impression and being liked were some of my priorities… not any more… I didn’t know yet what would happen but I kept on exploring and asking questions. I kept on travelling to Panama, Costa Rica, Croatia, Austria, Bali, Thailand,… had several volunteering jobs, learned about herbs, gardening, taking care of people and my world really changed… well my perception of myself in this world changed…

  • “Problems” changed to situations I can learn about others and myself
  • That so many things I’ve learned at school are just not the way they are.
  • My world is only my world because I look through a certain lens, through a certain set of beliefs that I picked up on the way growing up…
  • And so many more things more… for example, I didn’t know that I have the power to heal my body. Yes anything. To change “who I am”. To change my personality. But I did it… and I am proof for myself, that it’s possible. I was able to let go of so many beliefs I inherited through my family line so that I can see the world a little bit clearer… and with every tool I’m learning, it really gets easier. Suddenly things make sense in a way, that’s not logical but just obvious…
What’s the intention?

For example… when I saw a random angry person before, I judged them as being aggressive, an ashole, an idiot. Simple. Labled. Done. Now I see that it’s not that simple. There is probably a vulnerability and pain somewhere, and that angriness is the defence mechanism so that that person doesn’t have to feel that pain. Is it a healthy behaviour? Well, that’s a matter of opinion… but who am I to judge? 

Just knowing that… that people have good intentions but that they are sometimes just not able to express it in a healthy way, made my life so much easier. That knowledge took ME out of the equation. I was able to see people for what they are: Fellow human beings struggling through life. With their own set of beliefs and doing their best to survive under the given circumstances. Do I always like the way they behave? No. Do I agree with the things they do? No. Do I enjoy being exposed to these situations? Mostly not… but knowing all the things I know now, I have tools to see what’s going on inside of me while things happen. And understanding myself, I can extend that understanding to others instead of judgement. I’m not getting as triggered. My system stays calm – mostly. 

Thinking about it…

I know there’ll always be someone that knows exactly where I can learn more about myself. And that person will be there, to push my triggers… and I’ll see them as a chance to learn. To understand myself even better. To release the meanings of life I made when I was a little kid, to release the beliefs that are not mine. To release the conclusions I made at times when my ressources were limited. Invite in new qualities instead. Maybe it’s the same for you…

Are you curious?

Do you want to change, to become the person you actually are without all the stuff going on??

 Click here and start finding the real you!